Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Booked My Trip To St. Louis

Great news!!  My 4 year old and I are going home to St. Louis for Thanksgiving!  The flight has been booked and paid for, so it's official.  This will be our first trip home since moving to Sweden early this Summer.  I know it's a bit early to already be making the trip back, but why not? I'm very excited to see my friends and family.  I plan on hitting up all my favorite eateries too: Pei Wei- Kung Pao please...,OISHI- for Sushi,  KOBE - for that amazing mustard sauce, and maybe even some Chik-Fil-A (dare I say it!?) for some waffle fries, chicken nuggets and Polynesian sauce...yummm!

Alright, that's all I got for now.
What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Leave em' in the comments field below.



  1. I wish St. Louis wasn't so far away. I'd love to see you too. But I guess I will have to wait till the Spring. We love your posts.
    Aunt Sherry

  2. See ya for Doug and Heather's wedding. Thanks for checking out my blog.
