Saturday, October 30, 2010

Catching Up

It's been a little while since I've checked in, so here's what's been going on for the last week or so.

1. Searching for a new car- Mission Accomplished!  After months of searching for the perfect automatic car for our family, we have finally settled on a Renault.  So last night, was my first time actually driving somewhere by myself in Sweden!  I drove up to the city of Kärna's Post Office/Goodies store only a few minutes from our home.  It felt great, although a bit strange with this French made car because it has a keycard and a Start/Stop button. Can't wait to get to know the city better.

2. Trying to get a phone- Hmm, this is a little harder than it may seem.  Let's put it this way, we had enough money to pay cash for our new car, yet when it came to getting credit for a new phone for a whopping $15.00 a month, we were denied.  I was able to get my Iphone unlocked, but when we took it to Telia this morning (equivalent of an AT&T) in the states, it was like I was standing in an AT&T store.  Meaning...of course there were problems.  The manager said there could be problems "Surfing" the net on my phone even though the phone had been unlocked (something to do with different programming of the phones in the States).  My father in law and I ran a couple of tests and we think we have things figured out, so I should be able to go ahead and get the service now. I guess the worst thing that will happen is that it won't work, and I'll "have" to buy the new Iphone 4 instead...(I have to admit I'm secretly hoping my old Iphone won't work so I'll "have to" get the new version.  Of course I'll be stuck on a 24 month agreement (just like home).

3. Apartment search- Well, I can't say that we've really done any looking for own apartment yet, however, we were lucky enough through family connections to land an amazing apartment in Gothenburg (Göteborg).  This is an apartment in the center of everything in the 2nd largest city in Sweden.  The view is absolutely amazing and I can tell you that I wanted the apartment at the first sight of the view, before I even looked anywhere else in the apartment. We have been waiting all week to get the news, and this afternoon, we found out that we are approved to sign the second hand lease. Our plan is to move in early January. Getting an apartment is not easy here in Sweden, especially an amazing apartment like we've landed in the heart of the city.

4. Job Hunting- Although it's been relaxing all summer just spending time with my family, working on my jewelry designs ( and getting to know Sweden, now that some months have passed, I'm very eager to get back to working again in my field of digital marketing and sales.  Through networking, I have been introduced to a couple of very good opportunities and I can't wait to get to work, and experience a "work life" in Sweden.  A steady income of my own would allow me get even more out of my Swedish life.

What do you think is the hardest thing about moving some place new?  Share your thoughts below.

Thanks for checking me out!


  1. Congrats on your apartment in gothenberg. I will be all ready for the clubs when I get up there soon!

    As for the renalut --- Lets just say my uncle owned a renault alliance back in the mid 80's. To call it a lemon would be disrespectful to other decent lemons out there on the market. Hopefully they have improved in the 25 years since he owned one.

    Miss you much.

    ---Alex (aka Hoss Cartwright)

  2. Love reading this and dreaming about what it would be like for me to move home (am from Karna, living in Ireland) with my family. Not that it would be as big of a change as you have made but all the same, still different. Love reading it so please dont stop writing!
